*第四天/Day 4今天依旧待在湖边,一大早就起来到附近走走,欣赏周边的美景。This is the first time we do not have to do any driving for the day for we are to remain at the lake for another night. First thing we did in the morning was to take individual walks to admire the beautiful surroundings.

After breakfast, it is time for horse riding. This is my first attempt at horse riding, so you can imagine my excitement. I must say, the feeling of sitting on the horseback for the first time felt really weird. It was as if I would fall off with any slight movement. Unfortunately, our host family do not speak a single word of English. Hence there was no one to explain to us on how to handle the horses. All they did was to point you to a horse to indicate that you have to take this horse. Then they taught us to say "Chuu" in order to make the horses go, and that was that. There was nothing on how to make the horses move to the left or right, nor were we taught how to stop the horses, which was a pretty scary thing now that I think of it. We did have a guide, but all he could do was say "Chuu" and smile at us. It was up to our imaginations on how to handle the horses. Luckily for me, I had a good tempered horse which gave me not much trouble except that it loves to stop for grass every few minutes. 
We rode for two hours and arrived at a dead volcano. After climbing to the top of the volcano for a few pictures and a short rest, we went back the same way. Then it was back to sitting outside our ger and waiting for the beautiful sunset and more stargazing.

*第五天/Day 5
这是到目前为止开车最久的一天,共坐了十个小时的车子,连午餐也没能好好地享受,只是吃了蒙古的小吃Khuushuur(唸“hor shor”)。这个小吃和我们常吃的咖哩卜非常相似,只不过我们的咖哩卜里面是有辣椒味的马铃薯,khuushuur里面包的是… …对啦,就是他们最爱的羊肉。
This was the longest ride so far, it took more than 10 hours. Not only did we had to get up real early, we could not even have a decent lunch, having only a few khuushuur each. Khuushuur is a popular snack in Mongolia. It comes in many sizes but most are shaped like our curry puffs. Only difference is, our curry puffs contain potatoes and spice, mongolian "puffs" contain... ...you guessed it, mutton.
With such a long drive and dreary weather outside, you can hardly blame us for being down spirited. The only "bright spark" for the day? Our russian jeep broke down for the first time during this trip. But our dear driver Tumaa is Mr Know-it-all, and he got the jeep repaired in no time. Although the brake had a problem later on, Tumaa fixed the problem easily. It was a big relief to finally arrived at our destination. But at the mention of rice and sheep for dinner, we almost fainted. So we declined dinner from the hosts and came up with our own Korean meal, aka rice with seaweed and kimchi paste, cabbage dipped in kimchi paste, plus korean rameon. Although it seemed a weird combination, it tasted heavanly to us. The "camp" for tonight was a real disappointment, not only in terms of food. It being a guesthouse, we were expecting proper rooms and showers to clean ourselves. What we got was a ger and a 2 and half star toilet, i.e. four walls, but dark, smelly and with lots of flies. By the way, if you have been wondering what is a five star toilet, it is the one "made" by Mother Nature. No smell, no flies and beautiful scenery. You don't have to observe what is left behind by others before you while you are doing your business. 

*第六天/Day 6
An absolute waste of a day. We woke up feeling excited as we are heading for the biggest and most popular lake in Mongolia, Khovsgol Lake. It was a two hour drive, which means we will have the whole day to explore the lake. But the excitement soon gave way to disappointment as we heard the pitter-patter of rain outside. The rain only got bigger as we got nearer to the lake. In the end, when we finally made it to our ger, we were all soaking wet and cold. The rain didn't abate the whole day, and we could only stay in the ger, reading, sleeping and chatting while praying for good weather the next day. The only comfort we got was that this was a five star ger camp, with hot shower (using firewood), a four star toilet and great service. So we managed to get our first hot shower in six days.
*第七天/Day 7
Woke up to the sounds of rain beating down on the ger and the first thought was, “Oh no, another wasted day!”Thankfully, heaven took pity on us and the clouds gradually gave way to the sun. The sight of locals spreading out their wares on the grass patch in front of us was a welcoming one as it means that we will be able to stay outdoors today. While waiting to start on our main program for the day (horse riding), we took time to check out the wares.
The horse riding this time round was way more enjoyable than the last time round. Be it the guides or the horses, everything was very professionally done. We had protectors for our pants, someone to explain the do and don’ts of horse riding, and many careful checks by the guides to make sure we got things right after we got on the horses.
The start of the ride was not fantastic, as we had to go through the village, which had lousy roads and smelly animal poo all over the place. But once we enter the mountains, we started to enjoy the horse riding. Since we already had the experience, everyone was able to go much faster on the horses this time round. Thus we made it to the first pit stop in no time. We stopped by a local’s house, and the friendly hostess immediately served us with tea and homemade yogurt. Throw in a bit of wild berries which they picked themselves, the yogurt taste even better than the ones we get in the supermarket. 

After we are done with the yogurt, we went on our way. We made our way through the forest and started climbing up the mountains till we finally made it to the top of a little hill. What beheld us was the beautiful Lake Khovsgol. It was really too beautiful for words. While resting and admiring the beautiful scenery, our friendly guide let everyone of us tried on his traditional Mongolian robe. 

After the break, we went further up the mountain before going downhill, and suddenly, the big grassland appear in front of us again. We stopped by another local’s house and again, even though their house was bare, they readily brought out their milk tea and yogurt. All in all, we rode for almost six hours. Of course, the bums hurt like mad. But what we saw more than make up for the pain. 

Back at the ger camp, since there was still quite a bit of daylight left, two of the girls and I decide to take a leisure walk to the lake, since we only had a view of the lake from the top so far. It was indeed a beautiful walk. Without doubt, this is the best day of the tour so far!