After seeing so much blue sky and green hills from the train, I must say, Ulaanbaatar (or Ulan Bator), the capital of Mongolia is a real big disappointment. There are no greens or fresh air. What greets you as the train rolls into the station are dull buildings and heavily polluted air. As you stroll down the streets, you can’t help but notice the uneven roads and pedestrian walks and tons of tourists. Hence, the only thought I had upon arrival was to get myself signed up with a tour group as quickly as possible and wander into the wilderness of Mongolia. So my first two days in Mongolia was spent walking from hostel to hostel, trying to get a suitable tour group. What can I remember of my first two days there? The one and only State department store. It has everything in it. A big supermarket, bank, atm machines, souvenirs, money exchange, etc. You name it; the State department store has it.
Oh yeah, then there was this building under construction, obviously modelled after that 6 star hotel in Dubai.
The other thing I remembered, the countless Korean restaurants and shops all over the city. Don’t ask me why, but Koreans seem to love this place. For every five tourists you see on the street, chances are at least one would be Korean. Even hostels are being owned by Koreans. The good thing about this is, when you are sick of Mongolian food (which happens to lots of people, including yours truly), Korean food is a really good alternative. I did try asking some of my new found Korean friends why are there so many of them around, and the only reason they could offer was that Mongolia and Korea are close to each other. One person even mentioned that, when he told his friends he is visiting Mongolia, his friends went, “Why would you want to visit such a remote place?”
In order to do justice to Ulaanbaatar, I did try to walk around a bit on the last day I was there. This of course means a visit to the famous Sukhbaatar Square. Frankly speaking, I was not impressed. Other than the usual monuments and statues, there was nothing special. One new Korean friend did managed to capture the good side of Ulaanbaatar though.
If I really have to put down something positive about this place, then it will be the wonderful vegetarian restaurant that I and one other new Korean friend discovered a few hours before we had to say goodbye to Ulaanbaatar. I am a meat and junk food lover, so I do eat vegetarian unless necessary. We sat down at this restaurant only because we were looking for cheap eats and the prices on the menu seems right. It turned out to be a wise choice in the end. Not only was the food delicious and totally did not look or taste like vegetarian, it was cheap too. The most expensive main course on the menu only cost 3.50 USD (about 4.70 SGD) and the salad was humongous (for only 3 USD)! We share a salad, drank tea and had a main course each, and it cost less than 10 USD for the both of us. What a steal! ~wei
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