Warsaw is not that small a city, but I’d more or less covered the sights that I wanted to see in a day, so the next day, I took a bus to the next destination, Krakow.
Krakow was originally the capital of Poland, until 1596 when the capital city was moved to Warsaw. Since this was the ancient capital, you can find lots of old buildings and old streets. As such, lots of tourists are attracted by the ‘old’ feel here, with this city getting more visitors each year than that of Warsaw.
The biggest draw for visitors to Krakow has got to be the site of the Holocaust, Auschwitz. This was what drew me to Krakow too. Naturally, the first stop was to this place which witnessed the deaths of between one to one and a half million people during the Second World War.
There are two ways to tour Auschwitz. One is to join a tour and the other is of course, DIY. Almost all hostels or hotels can arrange for you to join tours for Auschwitz. The good thing about tours like these is that, not only do you not have to worry about the transportation aspect; you get a guide to explain to you the full history of the place. Naturally these tours do not come cheap. If you do not wish to join a tour, you can actually visit Auschwitz by yourself. There are direct buses from the bus station in Krakow to Oswiecim, which drops you right outside the Auschwitz Museum. And in Auschwitz itself, you can sign up for guided tours. Even after paying for the guided tour, you will still be spending about 30 Euros (about 60 SGD) lesser than if you joined a tour from Krakow.
奥斯威辛集中营原本是波兰军人的兵营,不过在1940年被纳碎人用来囚禁波兰犯人,最后却成了灭绝犹太人的屠杀场。奥斯威辛的入口上面写着“Arbeit Macht Frei”(工作让人自由)。进去之后看到的是一栋又一栋的营房。这些营房是很多犹太人度过他们生命中最后几个月的地方,有一小部分营房是纳碎人的“办公室”,如今这些都成了展示二战之间发生的种族清洗的展览厅。
The Auschwitz was originally a Polish military camp, but was used to imprisoned Polish prisoners by the Nazis from 1940. It was eventually converted into the biggest ‘slaughterhouse’ history has ever seen. At the entrance of Auschwitz is this sign “Arbeit Macht Frei” (work makes one free). Upon entering, what greet you are rows and rows of barracks. This is where many Jews spend the last few months of their lives. A few blocks were used by the Nazis as their “offices”. Now these barracks have been converted exhibition halls, detailing the horrors that went on behind these walls during the Second World War.
One block of barracks displayed items which the Nazis had stripped off from the dead bodies, including clothes, shoes, luggage and spectacles etc. What really chills one to the bones is this huge glass cabinet displaying human hair. Apparently, after gassing and killing the people, the Nazis shaved all the dead bodies and collect the hair to be made into cloth. It just did not feel right or respectful to the dead to take pictures of these things, so you won’t get to see any here. It is best that you go witness all these yourself.
These metal canisters were the containers for the gas which was used to murder the innocent victims.
Along the walls in the corridor, you can see rows and rows of pictures of those who perished here. If you looked carefully at the dates that these people entered the Auschwitz and the dates that they died which is below each photograph, you will realized that nobody survives for more than half a year upon entering this place. Some died within weeks of coming here. The most depressing photos have got to be those of deformed children. Apparently, they used the children as guinea pigs for experiments.
This is the execution place for prisoners. Noticed the bullet marks on the wall?
Since the Nazis are no angels, of course there were tortures going on. One of which, was to make three or four prisoners squeeze into cells which are only 30cm by 30cm big. Of course, which such a tight space, there is no way one can sit or lie down. The prisoners are made to stand the whole night, and when morning came, they were forced to go out to work. Of course, not many could take the torture, and many died within a week.
Then we were shown the gas chambers where most Jews met their fate. At first glance, these were just ordinary rooms with four walls. On close examination, you will find that there are no openings at all here, except for the holes where the gas is dropped. After killing them, the Nazis will then send the bodies to be cremated.
This gallow was specially built for executing the Director of Auschwitz, Rudolf Hoess, who was hanged for his crimes after the war. It was definitely a befitting end for someone who masterminded the loss of so many lives.
The Nazis later built Auschwitz II, also known as Birkenau, not far from Auschwitz I. Birkenau was much bigger than Auschwitz, with more than 300 barracks, four gas chambers and furnaces. It is estimated that more than 100, 000 Jews, 75,000 Polish and homosexuals and also 19, 000 gypsies lost their lives here. Although the Nazis tried to destroy the camp when they were retreating, just by looking at the perimeters of the fence, you can imagine the extent of the horrors that went on in this place.
The visit to Auschwitz was really depressing. It really makes one wonder how humans can be so cruel to other humans. In order to shake of that sense of depression, the next day I chose to visit a more light hearted sight, i.e. the Wieliczka Salt Mines. This is the first salt mine in Poland. Visitors are brought to a depth of 135m where you can see many sculptures made from salt, which tells the story of how the salt mine is discovered and how they mined the salt.
But the most interesting part of the salt mine has got to be the church. That’s right. You can find a church 135m below ground level. What is even more amazing is that, this church is fully sculpted from salt. Be it the staircases, the marble-like flooring, the statue of Jesus or the decorations on the wall, everything here is carved from salt.
After exploring the surrounding sights of Krakow, of course I had to devote some time to Krakow itself. Since it is the ancient capital, there are many well preserved old buildings, especially churches. Definitely the city with the most number of old buildings and old streets I’ve been to so far.
Amongst the many old building, the most interesting one was the Wawel Castle. The castle is of course, open to public, but each exhibition hall requires a different ticket. If you are a cheapo like me, then skip the halls and just walk around the grounds. It is free and the scenery is still stunning. ~wei
1 comment:
Reading your narration on the Holocaust and "seeing it for myself" through your pictures 令我十分火滚!!
Those who tortured and killed humans are beasts!!
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