Friday, January 9, 2009

荷兰/The Netherlands(Part 4)

因为Siu Kee白天得上班,所以一直没有什么机会与他外出。所以回到阿姆斯特丹后,乘星期天与他一起骑脚踏车,以当地人的眼光来看看这个城市。
Back in Amsterdam, because Siu Kee has to work during the daytime, I hardly get to go out with him. Since it was a Sunday the day after we got back from Paris, Siu Kee suggested us going cycling and I got to see Amsterdam the local way. *布雷达/Breda
I got to know a Dutch girl, Marleen, in Czech Republic and she invited me to visit her when I get to Netherlands. So I made arrangements to stay over at her place for one night. Breda is a very small city, with little in terms of sights. But this also means that you do not get much of a tourist crowd like that in Amsterdam, and so it was pretty nice to walk around. Marleen gave me a localised day tour of Breda, bringing me first to a farm. 之后我们到她父母家坐坐,然后再到镇上走走。吃了美味的雪糕后,才依依不舍与Marleen道别。
We then went over to her parents’ place before heading back to the city centre for walk. After a yummy ice-cream, I had to say goodbye to Marleen and Breda. *阿姆斯特丹/Amsterdam
I was in Amsterdam for a week before I realised that I had not had any real Dutch food yet, so Tu brought me to this local restaurant for a meal. This uniquely decorated restaurant is called Mom’s Restaurant and true to its name, every picture on the walls of the restaurant is that of somebody’s mom. Not only that, the cutlery used in this restaurant is special too. You will not see nice or beautiful sets of cutlery here. Instead what you get is cutlery of all shapes and sizes as these are cutlery brought by the guests on the day the restaurant opened. 荷兰餐以肉食和马铃薯为主。这个是前菜。
Dutch cuisine (if it can be called cuisine in the first place!) mostly consists of potatoes and meat. This here is our starters. 这是隔壁桌点的主菜,全都是典型荷兰食物。
This sumptuous looking meal is the main course that the two guys in the next seat ordered. This is actually a set meal of mini portions of all the Dutch specialities. 这是我们点的主菜,都是薯泥和肉。
This is our main course. And surprise, surprise, it’s all meat and potatoes. 然后就是我最喜欢的点心!一个是苹果派,另一个是mousse。
And then comes my favourite part of the meal – desserts! We had an apple pie and mousse.觉得阿姆斯特丹最有趣的除了它的红灯区外,就是性爱博物馆了。有趣的是,这里看到的全部都是女人,我们去的时候没有看到男人在参观,就连售票的也是女人。居然是性爱博物馆,里面的展览当然是一切与性有关的东西啦。有各种各样与性有关的雕像、杂志、漫画和玩具等。还有一个以白雪公主和七个小矮人为主题,但却带有性爱含义的电视房,播放着黄色卡通。另外,还有阿姆斯特丹妓女工作时的模型。以下图片儿童不宜,请确保你是十八岁以上,才可以看哦!
I guess the most interesting part about Amsterdam other than the red light district, has got to be the sex museum. Interestingly, all you see here are women. There was no man about when we got there and even the one selling tickets is a woman. Since this is the sex museum, you of course, can expect to find everything related to sex here. There are all kinds of statues and sculptures, comics, magazines and toys of sexual nature. There is even a room with a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs theme, albeit with a sexual connotation to it, where you can sit down and watch sexual cartoons. And there is a model showing you how the Amsterdam model works. Since I could not take a picture of the real thing, I had to make do with this. Warning: the pictures below are of adult nature. If you are below 18, please seek parental guidance before you look at the pictures. =p 让阿姆斯特丹出名的还有另一样东西,即“咖啡店”。这些咖啡店可不是一般的咖啡店或酒吧,因为这些咖啡店都有售卖大麻。荷兰应该是全世界唯一能够合法吸和售卖大麻的国家,因此在这里你可以看到很多专门兜售大麻的酒吧或咖啡店。听说大麻除了可以当烟抽外,还可以放在比萨或是派内,当甜点来吃。这家Bulldog咖啡店生意可是好到可以开连锁店,甚至开酒店和纪念品店,真是有够夸张的。不用问了,我可不知道大麻是什么味道,或吸大麻是什么感觉,因为我是乖乖女,没有去尝试!
The other trademark of Amsterdam is the many “coffee shops”. These coffee shops are not the typical coffee shops that we have back home. These ones are those where you can find marijuana (or weed as some call it) on the menu instead of the normal coffee. The Netherlands is the only country in the world where smoking or consuming marijuana is legalised, as such you see many coffee shops like this all over the place. Apparently, not only can you smoke marijuana in these coffee shops, you can also buy pies or pizza with marijuana fillings from these coffee shops. This coffee shop, Bulldog, is one of the long standing establishment in Amsterdam. Business is so good that they not only have a few branches, you can even find a Bulldog Hotel and Bulldog souvenir shop. No. Don’t bother asking me what marijuana is like. I AM a good girl, so of course I didn’t try it. Ha… 在阿姆斯特丹的最后一个节目是到体育场去,亲身体验欧洲足球的气氛。看的是一场欧洲足联杯外围赛,是埃杰克斯人对塞尔维亚球会查查克。因为埃杰克斯人在首回合已经取得4比1的领先优势,所以我看的次回合比赛没有那么精彩,但赛情如何是次要,重要的是我很享受第一次在欧洲观看足球赛的经验。
The last thing to do before I leave Amsterdam was to attend a football match. It’s always been my wish to attend a football match in Europe. Siu Kee, knowing how into football I was, proposed bringing me to one of Ajax Amsterdam’s football matches. Unfortunately, tickets for the Dutch league was either too difficult to get or too expensive, so we ended up catching a UEFA qualifying match between Ajax and FK Borac Cacak from Serbia instead. As Ajax had gotten a 4-1 lead in the first leg, it was a pretty dull match. But the match itself was secondary as it was the atmosphere that I was going for in the first place. 原本是千万个不愿意到荷兰去,我想应该是Tu与Siu Kee和他们家人的盛情,以及太久没有与朋友欢度时光吧,最后真的很庆幸我决定到荷兰去。要不是因为怕打扰人家太久,还真想在那里待久一点呢!下次再去吧!谢了Tu和Siu Kee!  ~伟
The Netherlands was never in my plans. But the warmth from Tu, Siu Kee and their family made me really glad that I made the detour in the end. I said goodbye to Tu , Siu Kee and Amsterdam with reluctance, but I know I will be back. Thanks a million for everything, Tu and Siu Kee!   ~wei


Ko Po Hui said...

what an U-turn u made... :P

Anonymous said...

hey ya i heard about the 'coffeeshops' in Amsterdam. I thought the govt was intending to impose a ban... obviously the bill wasnt passed...