Sunday, June 1, 2008

舍不得/Can't bear to leave

慢慢收拾东西,才知道自己累积了这么多废物。两个盒子都装不完!不知道到时要怎么把这些垃圾给搬回家。翻着之前留下来的剪报,原来这些已经是那么久以前的事了。舍不得的心情越来越重了。整理东西的当儿,也尽量整理自己的心情。希望到了最后一天,可以真的像之前自己讲的那样,不流一滴泪,潇潇洒洒地与大家说郑重,再见!   ~伟

Used to think that the one months' notice or three month's notice rule set by companies for employees that are resigning is a ridiculous rule. After all, since he or she is leaving, why prolong the 'torture' by making him or her stay for one or three more 'long' months. But going through it myself, it suddenly dawned on me, one month is actually very short!!
Kept thinking that I still have lots of time left before it is my last day at work or before I set off on my trips. But these have crept on without me realising it. It just dawned onto me that it is less than one week before I will stop 'reporting' to the office. And that made me realised, it's time to start packing.
Didn't know how much rubbish I have accumulated over the years till the actual packing started. Flipping through the old newspaper reports that I have kept, cannot help but wonder, "Did all these happened so long ago? Time really flies."
I know I can't bear to leave. I know I do love this job. But I also know that if I do not leave now, I may never get to realise my dream of going on the road for at least a year. And I know that, 10 or 20 years down the road, I won't regret my decision today. I will be able to sit back and savour whatever I have learnt or seen on my travels. So there, i will rein in my feelings and make sure I say goodbye with a big smile!   ~wei

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