Dali doesn't seemed to welcome me. It started raining the moment I got off the bus. It was bad enough that the place where the bus dropped me off was more than 1km from the heart of the old city. Worse still, the Lonely Planet guidebook I have on hand is an old edition. After tramping for half an hour in the rain, I would have thought that I can finally put down the huge backpack, only to discover that the hostel I intend to put up with has long been torn down.
Just when I thought that it was my unlucky day, along came one of those ever present locals trying to get me to put up at her house. Since the place I wanted to stay was long gone, and the few places I tried were either to expensive or unsatisfactory, I decided that I might as well check out this guesthouse. It turned out to be the best decision I made on this trip so far.
It seemed a long way to the guesthouse and I kept complaining along the way. But the lady pointed out that it felt far only because of the heavy backpack on my back. When we finally reached, I saw a large clean building housed in a quiet lane. The lady showed me a double room, with attached bathroom, hot showers round the clock, with a TV and free WiFi access. All these for only 40RMB (about 8SGD). What a steal!
After finally settling down, I went to Kemin's place for some home-cooked food. Although Kemin's parents were apologising for the simple fares, but to someone like me who has not smelled home-cooking for a week, the simple dishes were the most delicious food I had in weeks. Then it was time to explore Dali.
Just like every city in the world seems to have a chinatown, there seems to be an old town in most of China cities. However, Dali Old City is not anything like Lijiang Old City. Here the streets are wider and straighter, no quiet corners for you to discover. The whole city do not have as much character and feel than that of Lijiang's. Most of the shops here sell clothes and other items made by the Bai minority tribe.
There were lots of interesting buildings in Dali. For example, this shop with an interesting signboard--Stairway to Heavan.
And then there is this public toilet. This is the most beautiful public toilet I have seen in China so far and it is cheap too, 50 cents (SGD 0.10) per visit.
There are also pubs and discos, Dali style.
And also cafes and restaurants, each with their own character. Actually, many of these pubs and restaurants are owned by foreigners who decided to call Dali home after falling in love with this place upon arrival.
Of course, you can also find stalls selling food unique to Yunnan lining both sides of the streets.
Good snacks can also be found in the new part of Dali, ie. Xiaguan.
After walking up and down the streets of Dali, it is time to explore its surroundings. First up, Cangshan Mountains. Taking the chairlift to the summit of the mountains,not only can you see the 19 peaks of this mountain, you will get a bird's eye view of Dali and the famous Erhai Lake.
Last but not least, went to one of the village by Erhai Lake, Caicun. At first, I wanted to take a boat out to the opposite side of the lake to check out the Bai minority tribe villages. But I was so put off by the ridiculous boat ticket price, that in the end I made do with taking pictures of the opposite side from the ferry point. ~wei
heh, heh.谢了。其实我连相机的user manual都还没有读。那天要用self timer都不会。哈哈。希望我没有那么懒惰时,读了manual之后,拍出来的照片会更美!至于吃嘛,那是我的最爱,当然有尝尝啦。超好吃的!=p
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