It’s been a while since I felt this way. Don’t be mistaken. I have not met a Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet yet. The feeling I am talking about is that of being an animal on display in the zoo, or that of an exhibit in a museum.
The first time I had this kind of feeling was the first time I was in Vietnam for work. It may be the clothes that I wore, or it may be the head of short hair which is unseen of for Vietnamese girls, I got stared at wherever I went. The most ridiculous incident was when I was waiting for someone in the street one day, one of the locals actually came up to me and poke me in the arm, as if she was examining some exhibit. The second time I was in Vietnam, it was pretty much the same. Worse still, when the local reporters “discovered” that a girl was covering a football tournament, they got so fascinated that they interviewed me, took pictures of me and published it in the local papers.
The feelings have resurfaced during this trip. Not as exaggerating as appearing in the local papers, but almost there. On the road, you will naturally meet lots of people. Be it in the hostels or trains, people are always curious about where you come from, where you heading to, how long you will be travelling etc. Whenever I tell people that I have quitted a job that I loved just so that I can roam the world, I get expressions of surprises, respect and of course, envy. The most exaggerated response I had, got to be the bunch of Russians I met on the Trans-Siberia train. It’s obvious that we have a language barrier, yet they kept “interrogating” me. When they finally understood my travel plans, one of the immediately knelt down and bowed to me. Then they wanted to exchange Singapore dollar bill with me, and insisted that I give them my autograph (signed on the bill). When I finally got them to understand that I’ve run out of Singapore bills (because everybody wants a piece of it for keepsake!), they made me take pictures with them instead.
The Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are not high on most Asian tourists must-visit list. As such, you don’t really see a lot of Asians in this region. During the time I was in the Baltic States, I met less than 10 Asians. Naturally, I got stared at whenever I went. The situation was “worst” in Lithuania. People staying in the same hostel seemed not to have seen Asians before, taking every opportunity to talk to me or offer me help or food. I got a big cotton candy (the fluffy floss type) from one of them at two in the morning! Walking on the streets, you get gawked at every second. Or else you will hear someone sitting by one of the outdoor cafes going, “Hey, you!” or you will have people simply making you sit down and join them for coffee.
走完东欧就要奔向非洲了,这种感觉应该不会消失,只会越来越强吧? ~伟
After Eastern Europe, it will be Africa. Guess this feeling will not fade, but will just get stronger. ~wei
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Before visiting the three Baltic States, the city I heard most about is Riga, the capital city of Latvia and the biggest city in the Baltics. A lot of people I met told me that Riga is a nice city. Hence, I came to this city full of excitement. But within hours, that excitement turned into disappointment.
If you are a party animal, you will no doubt love this city as there are many pubs and restaurants here and they have a vibrant nightlife. But to a non-party animal like me, there is not a lot to like about Riga. The travel guide gave rave reviews about Riga’s Old Town, but after the lovely Old Town in Tallinn, Riga’s Old Town was very much a disappointment. You cannot find winding alleys with quaint shops, neither can you see many old buildings here. In fact most of the streets and buildings looked “new” instead of “old”. Although the cobbled stoned streets are very much a distinct feature of old towns, you can’t get much of an old town feel here.

这里最有“老”的味道的要数这个著名的圣彼得教堂。这个教堂历史悠久( 1209年建的),这个塔楼则是在1746年盖上去的,原本有123米高,后来因为几次着火,如今只有70米高。与其他的旅游景点一样,要上塔楼就得卖票(要6新元!)。既然给了那么多钱,到了上面当然是拼命地拍照。还好是能从360度看到整个里加,所以多少没有对入门票那么心痛。
The one building that does screams old is that of the St Peter’s Church. This church, church built in 1209, has a tall tower that used to make it the tallest building in Riga (123m). But after being rebuilt a few times due to it being burnt down, the tower is now 70m tall. As with any tourist attraction, you have to pay a fee in order to take the lift to the top of the tower. After paying 6 SGD for a mere 10 seconds lift ride, I of course had to make sure I get my money worth’s of pictures. Luckily the tower offers a 360 degrees view of the whole city, so I was able to see all of Riga.

The hostel which I stayed in (there was only two guests including me) was located right across the bus and train stations. And right beside the bus and train stations, you can find a big open air market. There is also a food and vegetable market located in the many buildings merged as one just next to the open air one.

The only thing that captured my interests in Riga was that of the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia. Latvia was under the rule of the Soviets and the Nazis for 65 long years. This museum details the life and struggle of Latvians during the occupation and how they finally gained independence. The information was so extensive that I spent more than two hours in the museum without realising it. And the best part to the museum? It was for free.
然后就……没有啦!对啦,这就是里加。所以说,如果你像我这样不是很喜欢夜生活的话,里加对你而言应该没有多大的吸引力。 ~伟
And then there was…… nothing else. Yep. This is Riga. This is why I said right from the beginning, if clubbing is not your thing, there is nothing much in Riga that will keep you here. ~wei
Before visiting the three Baltic States, the city I heard most about is Riga, the capital city of Latvia and the biggest city in the Baltics. A lot of people I met told me that Riga is a nice city. Hence, I came to this city full of excitement. But within hours, that excitement turned into disappointment.
If you are a party animal, you will no doubt love this city as there are many pubs and restaurants here and they have a vibrant nightlife. But to a non-party animal like me, there is not a lot to like about Riga. The travel guide gave rave reviews about Riga’s Old Town, but after the lovely Old Town in Tallinn, Riga’s Old Town was very much a disappointment. You cannot find winding alleys with quaint shops, neither can you see many old buildings here. In fact most of the streets and buildings looked “new” instead of “old”. Although the cobbled stoned streets are very much a distinct feature of old towns, you can’t get much of an old town feel here.
The one building that does screams old is that of the St Peter’s Church. This church, church built in 1209, has a tall tower that used to make it the tallest building in Riga (123m). But after being rebuilt a few times due to it being burnt down, the tower is now 70m tall. As with any tourist attraction, you have to pay a fee in order to take the lift to the top of the tower. After paying 6 SGD for a mere 10 seconds lift ride, I of course had to make sure I get my money worth’s of pictures. Luckily the tower offers a 360 degrees view of the whole city, so I was able to see all of Riga.
The hostel which I stayed in (there was only two guests including me) was located right across the bus and train stations. And right beside the bus and train stations, you can find a big open air market. There is also a food and vegetable market located in the many buildings merged as one just next to the open air one.
The only thing that captured my interests in Riga was that of the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia. Latvia was under the rule of the Soviets and the Nazis for 65 long years. This museum details the life and struggle of Latvians during the occupation and how they finally gained independence. The information was so extensive that I spent more than two hours in the museum without realising it. And the best part to the museum? It was for free.
然后就……没有啦!对啦,这就是里加。所以说,如果你像我这样不是很喜欢夜生活的话,里加对你而言应该没有多大的吸引力。 ~伟
And then there was…… nothing else. Yep. This is Riga. This is why I said right from the beginning, if clubbing is not your thing, there is nothing much in Riga that will keep you here. ~wei
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
After being detained at the borders for almost three hours, I must say I immediately regretted my decision to go to Estonia. I was thinking that I should have taken a fellow traveler’s advice and gone straight to Latvia instead. Arriving in the capital city of Estonia, Tallinn, almost six hours behind the original schedule, I was sure that this place will not be worth all the hassle and efforts. In the end, I was glad that I made it to Tallin after all. It was definitely worth all the hard work getting there.
The Korean girl who was also detained at the borders was actually heading for Poland. Having missed all her connecting buses, she decided to check out Tallinn together with me. Upon arriving in Tallinn, we felt at a loss since it was already night time and we were not sure which tram to take to get to the Old Town, where the hostel I’ve booked beforehand was. Just as we were still trying to figure things out, an Estonian guy got off the tram he was on and asked if he could help us. Guess heaven decided to take pity on us after such a torturous time at the borders and sent an angel in disguise to help us. Not only did he guide us to the hostel, he even took us on a little tour of Tallin and brought us for some food. It was a great start to Tallinn and totally erased all the bad feelings that I had from the borders check.
With a medieval feel to the whole Old Town, it was hard not to like this city. The hostel we were staying in was located in the heart of Old Town, in a typical old building, with big airy rooms and tall ceilings. What I liked most about the hostel was the kitchen and dining room, which was located in the basement.
You can find lots of buildings with a hint of the medieval times in them, like that of the town hall, which has a few hundred years of history.

This small building actually contains what could possibly be, the smallest church in the world. This slot found on the outside walls, was said to be used to determine if people have sinned. Apparently, if you peep into the slot and do see the reflection of your eyes, then you have not sinned. But if you do not see the reflection of your eyes, then you have sinned and should quickly look for the priest to make a confession.
This city wall that you see is the real deal. Although parts of it was damaged, including one part which was bombed by the Russians so as to make a direct route to the KGB headquarters, a large part of the wall still remains. It is one of the best kept old city walls in Europe. Right now, a small part of the wall has turned into a side street filled with stalls selling clothes and souvenirs.

The plaques that you see on this wall are actually those of covers from old coffins. After these are discovered, they are kept on this wall to be preserved.
Although many of the buildings here have had many new coats of paint over the years, looking nothing like an old building, but be it the inside or the outside, many of these buildings have unique designs.

Even the stall in the street and the cheerful lady behind it, have the medieval times’ touch. The snack you see here is honey coated almonds.

Not only do I like the Old Town, I love the other parts of Tallinn too. Although this is the capital city of Estonia, it is not crowded or noisy like the other capital cities. There is quietness to the surroundings which makes one feel relaxed at all times. Whether it is the first park open to the public in Estonia, or the neighborhoods, you will find that it is peaceful everywhere.

We joined a bike tour which took us to some spots not frequented by tourists. One of the places where we stopped by was the Presidential Residence. It turns out that Estonia, with a population of just slightly over 2 million (almost half of Singapore’s population), is such a small place that, even the Presidential Residence is small. Not only is it located in the heart of the city, you can even go right up to the door and say hi to the guards.
Then we saw the summer palace which the Russian Tsar Peter I the Great built.
We also checked out the open air theatre which hosts the famous singing festival every five years. These singing festivals are so popular that they attract more than 30000 people each time and you can find 3000 singers on the stage at one go sometimes.
We also went by the harbor in Tallinn and learnt that Estonia and the Scandinavian States are so near to each other that it takes only one and a half hour to reach Tallinn from Helsinki by ferry. Our guide for the bike tour told us that, because the salary of an average Finn is about three times more than that of an Estonian, the Finns love to take the short ferry ride and do their shopping at the Tallinn Harbor. As such, you can find lots of high end restaurants, big shopping centers and supermarkets at the harbor. Alas, most of these restaurants and shops are owned by foreigners, with a large number of them being Russians, so all the tourist bucks do not go into the pockets of Estonians.

最后,我们自己再爬上一座小山,眺望整个塔林。放眼望去,宁静的古镇和清幽的城市,让我们俩都竖起大拇指,说声:“好美丽的城市!” ~伟
Finally, after the bike tour, we walked up one of the little hills overlooking the whole city. The serene surroundings reminded us once again, how glad we were to make the trip to Tallinn! ~wei

After being detained at the borders for almost three hours, I must say I immediately regretted my decision to go to Estonia. I was thinking that I should have taken a fellow traveler’s advice and gone straight to Latvia instead. Arriving in the capital city of Estonia, Tallinn, almost six hours behind the original schedule, I was sure that this place will not be worth all the hassle and efforts. In the end, I was glad that I made it to Tallin after all. It was definitely worth all the hard work getting there.
The Korean girl who was also detained at the borders was actually heading for Poland. Having missed all her connecting buses, she decided to check out Tallinn together with me. Upon arriving in Tallinn, we felt at a loss since it was already night time and we were not sure which tram to take to get to the Old Town, where the hostel I’ve booked beforehand was. Just as we were still trying to figure things out, an Estonian guy got off the tram he was on and asked if he could help us. Guess heaven decided to take pity on us after such a torturous time at the borders and sent an angel in disguise to help us. Not only did he guide us to the hostel, he even took us on a little tour of Tallin and brought us for some food. It was a great start to Tallinn and totally erased all the bad feelings that I had from the borders check.
With a medieval feel to the whole Old Town, it was hard not to like this city. The hostel we were staying in was located in the heart of Old Town, in a typical old building, with big airy rooms and tall ceilings. What I liked most about the hostel was the kitchen and dining room, which was located in the basement.
You can find lots of buildings with a hint of the medieval times in them, like that of the town hall, which has a few hundred years of history.
This small building actually contains what could possibly be, the smallest church in the world. This slot found on the outside walls, was said to be used to determine if people have sinned. Apparently, if you peep into the slot and do see the reflection of your eyes, then you have not sinned. But if you do not see the reflection of your eyes, then you have sinned and should quickly look for the priest to make a confession.
This city wall that you see is the real deal. Although parts of it was damaged, including one part which was bombed by the Russians so as to make a direct route to the KGB headquarters, a large part of the wall still remains. It is one of the best kept old city walls in Europe. Right now, a small part of the wall has turned into a side street filled with stalls selling clothes and souvenirs.
The plaques that you see on this wall are actually those of covers from old coffins. After these are discovered, they are kept on this wall to be preserved.
Although many of the buildings here have had many new coats of paint over the years, looking nothing like an old building, but be it the inside or the outside, many of these buildings have unique designs.
Even the stall in the street and the cheerful lady behind it, have the medieval times’ touch. The snack you see here is honey coated almonds.
Not only do I like the Old Town, I love the other parts of Tallinn too. Although this is the capital city of Estonia, it is not crowded or noisy like the other capital cities. There is quietness to the surroundings which makes one feel relaxed at all times. Whether it is the first park open to the public in Estonia, or the neighborhoods, you will find that it is peaceful everywhere.
We joined a bike tour which took us to some spots not frequented by tourists. One of the places where we stopped by was the Presidential Residence. It turns out that Estonia, with a population of just slightly over 2 million (almost half of Singapore’s population), is such a small place that, even the Presidential Residence is small. Not only is it located in the heart of the city, you can even go right up to the door and say hi to the guards.
Then we saw the summer palace which the Russian Tsar Peter I the Great built.
We also checked out the open air theatre which hosts the famous singing festival every five years. These singing festivals are so popular that they attract more than 30000 people each time and you can find 3000 singers on the stage at one go sometimes.
We also went by the harbor in Tallinn and learnt that Estonia and the Scandinavian States are so near to each other that it takes only one and a half hour to reach Tallinn from Helsinki by ferry. Our guide for the bike tour told us that, because the salary of an average Finn is about three times more than that of an Estonian, the Finns love to take the short ferry ride and do their shopping at the Tallinn Harbor. As such, you can find lots of high end restaurants, big shopping centers and supermarkets at the harbor. Alas, most of these restaurants and shops are owned by foreigners, with a large number of them being Russians, so all the tourist bucks do not go into the pockets of Estonians.
Finally, after the bike tour, we walked up one of the little hills overlooking the whole city. The serene surroundings reminded us once again, how glad we were to make the trip to Tallinn! ~wei
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