Saturday, October 11, 2008


My third stop in Siberia was Tomsk. I was interested in this city based on what I’d read in the travel guide, and was looking forward to visiting the city. But the Russian weather seemed to have something against me; it started to rain the minute the train pulled into the station, making me dislike the city before I can get a good look at it. Worst still, after trudging through the rain to find the hostel recommended by the guidebook, it turned out that the hostel was undergoing a renovation and happened not to be accepting guests on the two days I was going to be there. With the ankle which I had twisted back in China throbbing and the rain still falling on my head, I could only chose a nearby hotel to check in since there are no other hostel in this city. Actually, at 850 roubles (48 SGD) per night for a single room, it was dirt cheap for a classy business hotel. But still, it was way out of my budget and I felt the pinch. At least I could be guaranteed a good night’s sleep.

The rain did not let up the next day, so I had to tour the city in the rain. It was really crazy weather. One minute it was sunny, the next minute, it was raining again. Even the sky was in two halves, with one side bright and sunny, the other side full of dark clouds. This being the wedding season in Europe, I could see lots of couples taking wedding pictures around the city centre. My heart goes out to the poor brides and grooms who had to deal with the funny weather. 托姆斯克其实与伊尔库茨克有点类似,只不过这里的街道比较宽,人也比较多,沿路看到的旧式木制房子也较多,保留的也较好。那里还有个小山,爬上山可以看到整个托姆斯克。当然,还有就是那每个城市都会看到的列宁铜像。  ~伟
Tomsk actually resembles Irkutsk, however, the roads are wider here, you can see more people on the streets and you can find more wooden houses lining the sides of the streets. There was a small hill which you could climb and get a fantastic overview of the whole city. And of course, there is that must-have for every Russian city – the statue of Lenin.  ~wei


Anonymous said...

I think 不是老天爷跟你有仇,而是俄罗斯的天气一年四季都是阴阴暗暗的。

oh, 或许除了冬季是白白的-因为下雪。哈哈

Anonymous said...

is this the place where u were chatting with me in the cold ??

wei said...

nope. that was in Czech Republic. 1 degree...