The stop after Tomsk was Yekaterinburg (also Romanised as Ekaterinburg). This city is one of the major stops on the Trans-Siberia Railway. The main draw of this city is that this was where the last tsar of Russia, Nicholas II and his family was murdered. Also, you can find the Europe-Asia border here.
Yekaterinburg’s main sights are all located within the city centre. It is not a big place, and hence it is possible to visit all the major sights in one afternoon. The first destination is of course the spot where Nicholas II and his family were murdered. Soon after the Russian Revolution in 1917, Nicholas II was forced to abdicate his throne and he and his family were imprisoned Yekaterinburg. In the wee hours of 17 July 1918, Nicholas II, his wife, his son, his four daughters, the family's medical doctor, his personal servant, the Empress' chambermaid and the family's cook were all murdered in the same room by the Bolsheviks. It is now well documented that this event had been orchestrated from Moscow by Lenin and the Bolshevik leader Yakov Sverdlov. The bodies of Nicholas and his family, after being soaked in acid and burned, was buried in a sealed and concealed pit. Their remains were excavated in 1991 and reburied by the Russian government in St Petersburg, alongside the other tsars. Now, on the spot where they were executed, stands the Cathedral of the Blood. The cross marks the spot where Nicholas II was believed to have been shot. And the little wooden chapel is to commemorate a close friend of the family, a nun who stood by them through all the tragic times. Looking at all these happy couples getting married here, it is really difficult to relate to the tragic happenings of 90 years ago.

There is a big river running through the city. And of course, just like every other European city, you can find tons of churches and bronze statues littering the city.

很多人都好奇,欧洲和亚洲的分界线到底在哪里?其实它就在乌拉尔山脉,距离叶卡捷琳堡40公里的莫斯科高速公路上,当地政府在1837年建造了第一个象征这个分界线的指标。为了吸引更多游客,当地政府在2004年在距离叶卡捷琳堡17公里的高速公路上又建了另一个指标,让游客可以不必跑得太远,就可以一脚踩着欧洲,一脚踩着亚洲。既然是旅游景点,当然是可以跟团去啦。不过跟团的话,要付2500卢布(约140新元),我和同个旅舍的其他游客都不想付那么多钱。结果灵机一动,包了一辆德士载我们四个人去,最后一个人才200卢布(约11新元)。 ~伟
Many people are curious as to where exactly the border between Europe and Asia is. Well, it actually lies on the Ural Mountains in Russia, about 40km from Yekaterinburg, along the old and new Moscow highways. The oldest obelisk erected to mark this border dated from 1837. In 2004, local authorities decided to make the image of the border more attractive for tourists and erected a new obelisk at the 17th km mark. As such, one does not have to go far in order to have one foot in Europe and one foot in Asia at the same time. This being one of the biggest tourists’ attraction in Yekaterinburg, there are of course tours to the obelisk. But a guided tour cost 2500 roubles (140 SGD), which is way out of my budget and that of the fellow travelers in the hostel which I was staying. Hence we hit upon the idea of booking a cab to bring us there. In the end, the short one hour return trip cost us only 200 roubles (11 SGD) each. ~wei
The stop after Tomsk was Yekaterinburg (also Romanised as Ekaterinburg). This city is one of the major stops on the Trans-Siberia Railway. The main draw of this city is that this was where the last tsar of Russia, Nicholas II and his family was murdered. Also, you can find the Europe-Asia border here.
Yekaterinburg’s main sights are all located within the city centre. It is not a big place, and hence it is possible to visit all the major sights in one afternoon. The first destination is of course the spot where Nicholas II and his family were murdered. Soon after the Russian Revolution in 1917, Nicholas II was forced to abdicate his throne and he and his family were imprisoned Yekaterinburg. In the wee hours of 17 July 1918, Nicholas II, his wife, his son, his four daughters, the family's medical doctor, his personal servant, the Empress' chambermaid and the family's cook were all murdered in the same room by the Bolsheviks. It is now well documented that this event had been orchestrated from Moscow by Lenin and the Bolshevik leader Yakov Sverdlov. The bodies of Nicholas and his family, after being soaked in acid and burned, was buried in a sealed and concealed pit. Their remains were excavated in 1991 and reburied by the Russian government in St Petersburg, alongside the other tsars. Now, on the spot where they were executed, stands the Cathedral of the Blood. The cross marks the spot where Nicholas II was believed to have been shot. And the little wooden chapel is to commemorate a close friend of the family, a nun who stood by them through all the tragic times. Looking at all these happy couples getting married here, it is really difficult to relate to the tragic happenings of 90 years ago.
There is a big river running through the city. And of course, just like every other European city, you can find tons of churches and bronze statues littering the city.
Many people are curious as to where exactly the border between Europe and Asia is. Well, it actually lies on the Ural Mountains in Russia, about 40km from Yekaterinburg, along the old and new Moscow highways. The oldest obelisk erected to mark this border dated from 1837. In 2004, local authorities decided to make the image of the border more attractive for tourists and erected a new obelisk at the 17th km mark. As such, one does not have to go far in order to have one foot in Europe and one foot in Asia at the same time. This being one of the biggest tourists’ attraction in Yekaterinburg, there are of course tours to the obelisk. But a guided tour cost 2500 roubles (140 SGD), which is way out of my budget and that of the fellow travelers in the hostel which I was staying. Hence we hit upon the idea of booking a cab to bring us there. In the end, the short one hour return trip cost us only 200 roubles (11 SGD) each. ~wei
1 comment:
I don't understand - 为什么要在murdered spot 举行婚礼?so eerie! I think Chinese sure pantang right..
Eh, 看那些俄罗斯 signs, 真的是搞不懂在写什么。
Also, I think you can replace 向云 in the "shop n save" commercial - 省!省!省!" 哈哈!
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