Before visiting the three Baltic States, the city I heard most about is Riga, the capital city of Latvia and the biggest city in the Baltics. A lot of people I met told me that Riga is a nice city. Hence, I came to this city full of excitement. But within hours, that excitement turned into disappointment.
If you are a party animal, you will no doubt love this city as there are many pubs and restaurants here and they have a vibrant nightlife. But to a non-party animal like me, there is not a lot to like about Riga. The travel guide gave rave reviews about Riga’s Old Town, but after the lovely Old Town in Tallinn, Riga’s Old Town was very much a disappointment. You cannot find winding alleys with quaint shops, neither can you see many old buildings here. In fact most of the streets and buildings looked “new” instead of “old”. Although the cobbled stoned streets are very much a distinct feature of old towns, you can’t get much of an old town feel here.
The one building that does screams old is that of the St Peter’s Church. This church, church built in 1209, has a tall tower that used to make it the tallest building in Riga (123m). But after being rebuilt a few times due to it being burnt down, the tower is now 70m tall. As with any tourist attraction, you have to pay a fee in order to take the lift to the top of the tower. After paying 6 SGD for a mere 10 seconds lift ride, I of course had to make sure I get my money worth’s of pictures. Luckily the tower offers a 360 degrees view of the whole city, so I was able to see all of Riga.
The hostel which I stayed in (there was only two guests including me) was located right across the bus and train stations. And right beside the bus and train stations, you can find a big open air market. There is also a food and vegetable market located in the many buildings merged as one just next to the open air one.
The only thing that captured my interests in Riga was that of the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia. Latvia was under the rule of the Soviets and the Nazis for 65 long years. This museum details the life and struggle of Latvians during the occupation and how they finally gained independence. The information was so extensive that I spent more than two hours in the museum without realising it. And the best part to the museum? It was for free.
然后就……没有啦!对啦,这就是里加。所以说,如果你像我这样不是很喜欢夜生活的话,里加对你而言应该没有多大的吸引力。 ~伟
And then there was…… nothing else. Yep. This is Riga. This is why I said right from the beginning, if clubbing is not your thing, there is nothing much in Riga that will keep you here. ~wei
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