Thursday, June 4, 2009

匈牙利/Hungary(Part 2)

从布达佩斯其实只要搭一个小时的火车,就可以到郊外一个靠河的小镇圣安德烈去走走。因为环境清幽,又有许多博物馆和画廊,这里基本上是个游客区,因此四处可见针对游客的餐厅和商店。如果你想要购买匈牙利纪念品的话,那这里就是购买纪念品的最佳地方。不过因为去的时候已经是淡季,没有几个游客,所以并没有游客区的感觉,反倒感觉得出典型匈牙利小镇的风味。If Budapest is too much for you to take, you just have to take a local train to the suburbs and visit one of the many little towns. I chose to make a trip to a riverside town, Szentendre, which is about one hour away from Budapest. Szentendre is well-known for its museums and galleries and hence, this is more or less a tourist town, with tons of shops selling all kinds of souvenirs and Hungarian handicrafts, and also lots of touristy looking restaurants. If you want to get your souvenir shopping done in one shot, this is the place to go. Luckily for me, it was off peak season when I was there; hence there were not so many tourists around, giving the town less of a touristy feel. In fact, if you wander away from the main streets and into one of the many little alleys, you can get the Hungarian small town feel. 在圣安德烈品尝了当地的一个小吃——langosok。基本上与我们咸酥饼非常类似,最普通的吃法就是在上面涂上蒜头,不然也可以配芝士或酸奶。即便宜,又好吃,是个不错的点心。
If you do come to Szentendre, don’t forget to try out some of the local snacks. The one I did try was the langosok. Basically, it is oil fried yeast dough. You can have it plain with a bit of garlic spread on it, or you can put cheese, sour cream or other toppings on it. It is definitely one of the better and cheaper snacks that you can find in Hungary. *佩奇/Pecs
After a few days of chilling out in Budapest, it is time to move on. Next stop is the University City, Pecs. There is no doubt that October is the off peak season, as I was the only guest at the hostel. Having spent a long time sleeping in dormitories and getting woken up by others early in the morning, it felt really good to have the whole big dorm to myself and sleeping till I wake up naturally.

Pecs is actually a big city, yet it has more of a small town feel, especially the old part of the town. Here you can find many old buildings, including this building which used to be a mosque but is now a church. The main streets here do not allow cars to pass through, so it is really nice to be wandering around the town. If you get tired, you can just sit by one of the many cafes or restaurants by the street and watch the world at large pass by.
Of course, just like any other European city, you can find at least one big church here.
The interesting thing in Pecs is that, in some corners you can find fences loaded with locks of all shapes and sizes. Apparently, the people here have the same beliefs as some Asians, i.e. if a couple puts a lock with their names carved on it at some auspicious place, the couple will be able to stay together forever. Sounds cheesy, huh? 佩奇其实有不少有趣的博物馆供人参观,其中就包括了这个出名的陶瓷博物馆。匈牙利以制作陶瓷为名,这个博物馆就仔细道出陶瓷在这个国家的历史。此外,你还可以看到各式各样的陶瓷艺品,从花瓶到汤匙到瓷砖,真的很漂亮!可惜博物馆内是不允许拍照,我最后只是偷拍了几张。Pecs actually has many interesting museums, including this porcelain museum. Hungary used to be the centre of porcelain production. If you want to understand the whole history of porcelain in Hungary, and see some lovely porcelain, then you definitely have to visit this museum. It’s a pity that photography is not allowed in the museum. All I have is these fews picture which I sneaked when the museum staff is not looking.
Under normal circumstances, I won’t visit an art gallery, since I am not so into arts. But the art museum here in Pecs has free entry, so I decided to check it out. It turned out to be a good decision as the paintings on display are really nice.

1 comment:

evan said...

OMG what is that bunch of things hanging? Don't tell me it's a garland of chilli!! 很辣咯!

Langosok is 咸煎饼?hum jin peng?

Eh the locks thing, I think there's something similar in 黄山 is it? You wrote about it..